Thursday, March 12, 2009


I lay awake for hours last night, just thinking. I couldn't turn my brain off. My husband, my dog and my cat were all comfortably sleeping in our bed. The reasons for my thoughts began because my husband wasn't feeling well and wanted me to go to bed early with him... at 8pm! I started thinking about what a waste my night would be if I just crawled into bed... then I started thinking what a waste all my days seem to feel like lately. That started a mountain of ideas, decisions, commitments, plans and fears. I don't want to wake up one day and be eighty having accomplished no more then I have in life today. I'm comfortable in my life, things are easy and for the most part peaceful. But... are they really fullfilling? No... I don't think so. I wondered if I have been putting off all the things I want to do because I'm waiting for my husband to hop on board and join me. But, why should he have to share the same goals? Why can't I have my own goals, personal ones, and then if he chooses he can join in at any part of my journey. Maybe he feels fullfilled right now, who am I to assume just because I am wanting more from life, that this isn't exactly how he always pictured his life.

So, what all this really comes to is that I have a certain idea of what I want me life to be. I have set some short and long term goals and I am going to use this blog to keep track of my journey.

Here are my goals:

1. Regular excercise
2. Lose weight
3. Go back to school
4. Become more active in church
5. Join some kind of club/volunteer group (not relating to my other goals)

Here is how I will accomplish these goals:

1. I will do something every single day that helps me acheive my goals, even if only in a tiny way.
2. I will set realistic time frames on when I expect to acheive these goals.

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